The Crucial Role of Award Show Speeches in Shaping Actors' Oscar Prospects

As awards season unfolds with events like the Palm Springs gala, the Golden Globes, and the Critics Choice awards, the spotlight is not only on the dazzling red carpet appearances but also on the impactful speeches delivered by nominees. These moments are not spontaneous; they are meticulously planned and can significantly influence an actor's journey to the pinnacle of recognition—the Oscars.

Steven Gaydos, executive editor of Variety, emphasizes the strategic importance of speeches, stating, "Speeches position you. They establish the narrative. There's so much that goes into it. It's not casual and it's not accidental."

The success or failure of an Oscar campaign can hinge on a nominee's performance on stage during these speeches. Memorable moments, like Emma Thompson's humorous reading of a Jane Austen-style diary entry at the Golden Globes, can sway voters. Conversely, lengthy and repetitive speeches, as seen in Lady Gaga's case, might hinder an actor's chances.

The recent strategies employed by nominees like Robert Downey Jr., particularly for his supporting role in "Oppenheimer," involve being fresh, funny, and exuding confidence. This calculated approach aims to reassure Oscar voters and project a positive image.

In the fiercely contested races for Best Actor and Best Actress, winners at earlier ceremonies, such as Lily Gladstone and Paul Giamatti, have showcased speeches that align with the broader messaging of their films. Gladstone emphasized Hollywood's historical erasure of Indigenous people, while Giamatti skillfully blended personal anecdotes with the importance of teaching in "The Holdovers."

The Oscars, still mindful of the impact of #MeToo and #OscarsSoWhite, consider not just the performance but also the broader message conveyed in speeches. Virtue signaling, or the projection of Hollywood's caring image, remains a prime concern for the Academy.

While debates continue on the effectiveness of these strategies, one thing is certain: the art of delivering a compelling and relatable speech, coupled with a carefully crafted narrative, can significantly shape an actor's Oscar journey, ensuring their place in the annals of cinema history.