Nikki Haley Commits to Presidential Race Despite Trump's New Hampshire Win

In a live update, Nikki Haley congratulated Donald Trump on his victory in the New Hampshire primary but asserted her commitment to staying in the race. Speaking from her campaign headquarters in Concord, Haley emphasized that New Hampshire is the first in the nation, not the last.

Moreover, Haley extended an invitation to Trump for a debate, despite his refusal to engage with other Republican contenders. She believes such a debate would prove Trump's fitness for service.

In other reactions, Joe Biden's campaign sees Trump's win as confirmation of the "Maga movement" taking over the GOP. The statement suggests that Biden is prepared for a potential general election matchup against Trump.

Meanwhile, at Dean Phillips' election night party, supporters express disappointment as TV networks announce Joe Biden's victory in the Democratic primary. Phillips, not expecting a win, had set a goal of garnering 20% of the vote in New Hampshire.

Additionally, Texas Republican Senator John Cornyn, who had been hesitant to endorse Trump, has now endorsed him following his New Hampshire victory.

As the night unfolds, the atmosphere at Nikki Haley's watch party remains upbeat, with supporters dancing and cheering to an energetic playlist.

Donald Trump's win in New Hampshire marks his second victory in the GOP nomination process, following his overwhelming win in Iowa's caucuses last week. The focus now shifts to Nevada, where the Republicans will hold caucuses on February 8th, with polls indicating Trump's lead.