"Biden Affirms Two-State Solution Despite Netanyahu's Opposition, US Rejects Gaza Ceasefire"

In the ongoing Middle East crisis, President Joe Biden remains committed to a two-state solution, despite Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's recent opposition. Biden's assertion came after a call with Netanyahu, where the two leaders discussed potential solutions for the creation of an independent Palestinian state.

Addressing reporters, Biden acknowledged that not all countries have their own militaries and expressed optimism about finding a resolution. When questioned about the possibility of reconsidering conditions on US military aid to Israel in light of Netanyahu's rejection of a two-state solution, Biden indicated a willingness to work towards a solution, stating, "I think we'll be able to work something out."

On the topic of a potential two-state solution, Biden affirmed his belief that Netanyahu could support it under the right conditions, offering hope for diplomatic progress. The call between the leaders occurred amid heightened tensions and ongoing conflict in the region.

In a related development, the White House announced on Friday that the US continues to oppose a ceasefire in Gaza. Press Secretary John Kirby stated that the US believes a ceasefire would benefit Hamas militants, emphasizing support for humanitarian pauses to facilitate aid delivery and hostage releases.

Additionally, an American drone crashed north of Baghdad after Iran-backed militants claimed to have fired on the unmanned aircraft over Iraq. Investigations into the cause of the crash are underway, highlighting the complex security situation in the region.

As the crisis unfolds, concerns persist over the toll on Palestinian civilians, with 60 Democratic members of the US House of Representatives urging Secretary of State Antony Blinken to reaffirm the US's opposition to the forced and permanent displacement of Palestinians from Gaza.

The situation remains fluid, with ongoing military actions, diplomatic efforts, and global reactions shaping the trajectory of events in the Middle East. The European Union has imposed sanctions on individuals financing the Palestinian militant group Hamas, adding another layer of complexity to the international response.

As developments continue, the international community closely watches the evolving dynamics in the region, where multiple conflicts intersect, creating a challenging landscape for diplomatic resolution and humanitarian efforts.